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CONTROL | Power Supplies | Intrinsically Safe | DC to DC Converter

Intrinsically Safe Compact DC to DC Converter – Hollville

The Holville intrinsically safe DC to DC converter must be powered by a compatible I.S. power supply such as the Holville UPS or PSU. The DC/DC converter has a range of available IS power outputs specifically designed for use in Group 1 hazardous areas. Designed and manufactured in Australia, the Holville range of DC/DC converters is tested to meet the requirements of AS2380.7.
The units carry NSW MDA and ANZEx certification.


Ex (ia) protection for use in Group 1 Zone 0 hazardous areas

  • Fully encapsulated for reliability and robustness
  • IP54 rating
  • Assessed to the entity concept to be powered from an intrinsically safe power supply such as the Holville Type 3 UPS or PSU
  • Range of outputs up to 24V.
  • IS outputs are galvanically isolated from the power input.
  • The DC/DC converters have a 12 month, return to factory, replacement warranty (some exclusions apply)
  • 3 to 5 DC/DC converters may be powered from one Holville Type 3 UPS or PSU depending on the load.


The DC/DC converter can be configured with any one of the following outputs:

Please Note: The certification allows the output voltage, current and power of any model to be reduced to meet the entity parameters of attached equipment. However the Co and Lo parameters associated with the ‘parent’ model may not be changed.

All Holville intrinsically safe power supplies are fully encapsulated for reliability in harsh environments and carry a 12 month, return to factory replacement warranty. Back to Intrinsically Safe Power Supplies.

To discuss the full range of Intrinsically Safe Power Supplies supplied by Automated Control, please Contact Us

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