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MTL 1000 Range of Signal Conditioning Isolators

MTL 1000 Range of Signal Conditioning Isolators

The MTL1000 range of signal Conditioning Isolators are easy to install, its slim-line design enables high packing density; its power-bus feature significantly reduces installation costs; and you can now source all your interface requirements from a single trusted provider is designed for use with process connected systems.

SKU: SD16MXL-BDN-1-1 Category:


MTL 1000 Range of Signal Conditioning Isolators

The MTL1000 range of signal Conditioning Isolators are easy to install, its slim-line design enables high packing density; its power-bus feature significantly reduces installation costs; and you can now source all your interface requirements from a single trusted provider is designed for use with process connected systems.

Signal conditioning makes a major contribution to resolving issues such as varying grounding potentials, reducing signal noise and eliminating earth loops. It also protects sensitive control equipment from dangerous voltages. All these benefits add up to reduced down time, fewer failures, greater product yield and significant cost savings.
Signal conversion to a common type allows the use of standard interface and control cards.
Many different signals from sensors such as thermocouples, RTDs, position monitors, pressure and flow monitors all need to be handled. Converting
them to the same signal type allows the control system card choice to be simplified and fewer installed. Higher level signals are also less susceptible
to noise and interference so by limiting the distances the low level signals travel reduces these effects.

Additional information

Weight 70 kg
Dimensions 99 × 7 × 100.4 cm


MTL Instruments

MTL Intrinsically Safe Cameras, Barriers and Power Supplies
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