uFlow – Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flow Meters
The uFlow Ultrasonic flow meters are used for various flow measurement applications and have been widely applied to Building Management Systems, Irrigation Systems, Water Pumping Systems, etc. Brochure overview (interactive)

uFAC-F2 smart ultrasonic flowmeter
- WiFi communications and Cloud data storage functions.
- Designed for small pipe sixes of PVC, carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper.
- Widely used for energy-saving, air-conditioning, building automation systems, data centers, energy audits, HVAC, etc

uFAC-F3 smart ultrasonic flowmeter
- Designed for small pipe sixes of PVC, carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper.
- Widely used for energy-saving, air-conditioning, building automation systems, data centers, energy audits, HVAC, etc
- The installation time is only 30 seconds
- Brochure (interactive)

UFAC-E3 smart ultrasonic flowmeter
- Designed for small pipe sixes of PVC, carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper.
- Widely used for energy-saving, air-conditioning, building automation systems, data centers, energy audits, HVAC, etc
- The installation time is only 30 seconds

UFAC-MP801 Flow Sensor
- Designed for small pipe sixes of PVC, carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper.
- Widely used for Garden irrigation, Food equipment, Medical, Pet feeding, Washing equipment, New energy equipment, etc
- The installation time is extremely fast
- Power is via USB Type C or Optional 3.7V Battery.
- Brochure

uFAC-F5 smart ultrasonic flowmeter
- WiFi communications and Cloud data storage functions.
- Widely used for Building Management Systems, HVAC Systems, Agriculture Climate Control Systems, etc

uFAC-E5 Ultrasonic energy meter
- Can measure flow data and heat consumption at the same time.
- WiFi communications and Cloud data storage functions.
- Designed for small pipe sixes of PVC, carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper.
- Widely used for Building Management Systems, HVAC Systems, Agriculture Climate Control Systems, etc

uFAC-D116 ultrasonic flowmeter
- Delivers highly accurate and repeatable flow measurement for water at a competitive price.
- Transit-time flowmeter that optimize the measurement of water flows HVAC, irrigation, water treatment and other water applications.
- Brochure (interactive)

uFAC-D118 ultrasonic flowmeter
- Has the latest developments in digital processing.
- Precise measurement and repeatable flow measurements of a wide range of liquid and pipe sizes.

uFAC-D118i ultrasonic flowmeter
- State-of-the art universal Transit-time flowmeter designed using ARM COMA technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission

uFAC-D348D Plus ultrasonic flowmeter
- State-of-the art universal Transit-time flowmeter designed using ARM COMA technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission
- While principally designed for clean liquid applications, the instrument is tolerant of liquids with a small amount of air bubbles or suspended solids.

uFAC-U117 ultrasonic flowmeter
- Delivers expanded functionality and field portability.
- Precise measurement of a wide range of liquid flow and temperature applications.
- Includes a carry case and kit
- Brochure (page turner)

uFAC-P118i Portable ultrasonic flowmeter
- latest developments in digital signal processing to deliver highly accurate and repeatable flow measurement for a wide variety of liquids and pipe sizes with bluetooth communication.
- Can perform flow measurement checks at many points in the flow process without the need for a permanent installation